Still C.S.S. featuring VJ-Dawg

Parody rap verse from “Still D.R.E” performed by “Dr. Dre Featuring Snoop Dogg”

[Intro: VJ-Dawg (Ash Bee)]
Yeah bro, Still coding with ya
Still the refactoring is a mess
Still HTML and CSS
It’s same ole UI thang, ni**a
(LOL.. Guess who’s back
Still refactoring that shit, huh VJ?)
Oh for sure, now you rap about it.

[Verse 1: AshBee]
It’s still AshBee ni**a, representing UI Team ni**a
Before I rap my hack, I can’t “trust” you back
Cause frequently ideas change when things going on “track”
You’ll notice me around with my T-shirts black.
Now, we are into CRO, but some say its UI will fell off
How bro, My last project was “The Platform”
They want to know if he can still manage it
They keep designs changed, they want to know how can I deal with it

If you ain’t reach the deadlines
AshBee is the name, I’m ahead of your commits
Still… Playing TT everyday, still making my Oreo muffins
Still… Not loving new coffee machine (Uh huh)
Still… Rocking on my lowers with Adidas stripes
Still… Got respect for the engineer bhais
Still… The design changes, still the PM irritates
Since the last code release, ain’t too much changed.

[Hook: VJ-Dawg (AshBee)]
Still… I’m representing for the frontend all across VWO
Still… Kindly make your design finalized before we code
(Still… Taking my time to refactor the shit
And making room for creativity, it’s the CSS)

[Verse 2: AshBee]
Since the last time I heard from the lead, Kush went on sabbatical
Well.. Hell… Me, VJ and .PNG, we dipping inside the code again
Found all the files, fixed’em one by one
Opening pull requests, doing twice or thrice a week
Still… I stay close to the features
And make sure everything works and looks fine as expected
My PR comments are like a soundtrack I wrote to the beat
Treat my work like passion, I code till I sleep
Wake up in the A.M., compile the shit
I put my iminagination in UI you’ve even seen
Ain’t mere a fix, it’s been optimized and maintainable all the way through
Following the commandments of “The Mighty Kush Krew”
I’m still working, after post-production
More tweaks and refactoring beyond satisfaction
Applying things modular, flexible and extensible
Even I try to make’m all possibly unbreakable

[Hook: VJ-Dawg (AshBee)]
Still… I’m representing for the frontend all across VWO
Still… Kindly make your design finalized before we code
(Still… Taking my time to refactor the shit
And making room for creativity, it’s the CSS)

[Outro: VJ-Dawg]
New UI change?
Merged that in ya mother-fu**ing master branch
Updated Version 4.4.3
Explained that shit up, in the styleguide
Check out the new SASS directory
No monolithic, more segregated, less “shame”
Some of them might be really tacky hacky
Didn’t get it? Seems like you’re from backend 😛
That’s another backhod rap, AshBee!

me rapper

Sketching The Empress of Tomorrow

So WrestleMania weekend has already started. And I’m already hyped for that. Apart from huge expectations of 5-star matches from the my all-time favorites like- The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Chris Jericho etc. and new ones like- Kevin Owens, AJ Styles, Sami Zayn, Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor etc., I’ve especially have my eyes on this amazing female competitor named Asuka.

This woman is one hell of badass wrestler I’ve ever seen so far. From her strength to character, it’s AMAZING. It is always delightful to see her matches in the squared circle. And besides, I mean just look at her. Isn’t she colorful and badass at the same time?


And her signature mask is also amazing.


Therefore, In order to collaborate two above pictures with the twist of my imagination. I opened up that same ole sketching app and started doodling once again. And after 20 minutes of patience, I ended up making this masterpiece.

Asuka Fan Art

And here’s the complete version, with her name on.

Asuka Fan Art (Complete)

Not sure about you guys, but I hope she will like it. 😛



P.S. I do know that “Wrestling is Fake”. But so do movies and TV shows are not real. It’s all about entertainment and your preferences on what you like to watch. Again, no judging here otherwise ASUKA’S GONNA KILL  YOU!! and I’m sure about that. 😛


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches


Straight Outta Production

Parody rap verse from “Straight Outta Compton” performed by “N.W.A”

You are now about to witness the Bakchodi of Software Development

Straight Outta Production
Crazy UI developer named “Ash Bee”, dude
From the team named “Coders with Attitude”
Projects I get involved, QA bugs got solved
Merge conflicts? and even they got resolved
You too, designers, if you f**kin’ confuse me
Even PMs are gonna come and get me
Clear Mockups, that’s what I’m looking out
And sensible use-case, consider that to show out
Git/Stash starts to mumble, JIRA wanna rumble
Sprint-wise, Every story and estimate crumbles.
Here’s my commit log to keep you dancin’
Subtle but scary like Marilyn Manson.
WebStorm IDE is the tool
Don’t make me use Sublime Text like a fool
My code’s running fine, and unit cases clearly
I’m knockin’ sprints out of box, daily
Yo weekly, monthly and yearly
With some awesomeness and creativity
DAMN Agile development, You can’t f**k with me.
So when I’m in your pull-request, your typo don’t suck
Coz’ my reviweing comments are lengthy as f**k
As I leave at 7 PM, believe I might be coding till midnight
but when I come back next day 12 noon approximately
It’ll be released “Straight Outta Production”.


Trip to the Mall.. Are you serious?

A lot of things have changed as soon as I’ve graduated and started working a full-time job. But since I’ve already explained in my previous post, so let’s cut to the chase. Whether it’s professional or personal, Life is stressful and you need to take a break sometimes.

And how about going to the mall for a while?

I know most of you people will say this idea something ridiculous and gonna suggest rather go somewhere outside the city, maybe even outside the country. I don’t mind. But to be honest, It’s still fine with me to go somewhere near and do something rather than doing absolutely nothing. And besides, I’ve having fun anyway. Isn’t that having enough purpose to travel and enjoy life? 😀

But that’s not the topic I wanna discuss here and go further on a debate about traveling places. Instead, I’ll be sharing a story here and my experience in visiting malls, which explains why I sometimes prefer to go to the mall whether I’ve a movie/hangout plans or not.

Most of you know that I love art. I often keep doing some artistic and creative stuffs. That’s explains much about my twitter handle. Right? 😛 However, I’ve been obsessed with mall art for a long time. It has its own charm, especially during special occasions. Apart from taking some pictures (maybe few selfies), I’ll mostly stand there for minutes gazing the pattern and detailing of the work. Even I might take some time for thinking about my own interpretation. I know it seems weird and it’s OK. But it is inspiring me to do some other things that I love. Hopefully, I’ll make an alternate career from it someday. 😉

Here are some pictures I took so far.

xmas light


yellow tree


And you can see further more in my Instagram account.

And here a bit of story for those who already got bored. I once went with my sister to the mall nearby few weeks ago. She took me to this Forever 21 store for her shopping, which I think most girls and women do have some kinda obsession (Not judging anybody here). But for a guy like me, It is bit stressful while helping her out and sharing my opinion on what suits her best (And now, anybody don’t judge me here too). Sometimes I might try to check something at the men’s section for myself meanwhile. But damn sure, my shopping will be over in 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile she’ll make me to wait for over half an hour and I always in search for some time-pass.

And outta nowhere, I noticed this mannequin somewhere near denim section. I suddenly reached to my smartphone, opened my favorite sketching app and started doing what I always like to do.

mall art

Close enough, huh? 😉 My sister was impressed with this artwork once she was done with her shopping. She eventually credited herself for bringing the creative side of mine.

I guess I should stop by to other Fashion stores often.

But with my sketching pens and painting brush next time. 😛

P.S. And for your fun pleasure, Here’s something my colleague has to share. Enjoy. 😛


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches


Breaking the Silence

It has been very very long time since I’ve blogged something. Things really have changed over here. I mean.. The user-interface is entirely different which it used to be 6 years ago when I started. It’s now more easier and understandable even a toddler can post something within few minutes. Change is good. And why not change? To make ourselves productive in our busy lives.

Speaking of busy life… After graduating from college, I’m now just another workaholic tech startup guy coding for 10-12 hours every weekday. And during weekends? Well.. Either I’m doing some courses/solo projects or hanging outside with friends/family or just simply taking a long nap. And Maybe sometimes dealing with those pending office works to meet the deadlines. That’s how job makes you feel and do things like that. It’s stressing but you’ll make it as a lifestyle anyway. And due to this, I’ve skipped blogging and some of my other hobbies for a while. So there is time-constraint, lack of motivation and therefore procrastination while writing a blog post or doing some other stuffs.

I’ve plenty of ideas hovering on the top of my head about blog post. But the problem is I need some extra time to manage my profession and passion. All I wish that I could have some extra time like – more than 24 hours a day or more than 7 days a week. I literally need that “Hyperbolic Time Chamber” at any cost. Just kidding 😛

But after watching some of my fellow bloggers, I’m getting inspired these days. They’re still somehow managing to do both (passion and profession) and eventually have progressed so much over the years of my break from blogging. Feeling bit jealous.. but feeling motivated too. It’s really amazing to see.

In short.. After almost 2 years of hiatus, I’ll resume blogging and other stuffs which I’m passionate about soon. I know it won’t be that easy it used to be during my college days. But still the risk is worth taking and I’ll be able to manage somehow. I’ve already planned something for my future posts here or any other domain. Let’s hope for the best.

And thanks guys for the support and appreciation over the years. I know some of you have higher expectations from me judging from my earlier posts. I promise that I’ll be coming back for blogging.. not much often, but active enough.

Stay updated because the best is yet to come. 😉

Oh wait! I forgot something…. Happy New Year 2016 🙂

P.S. This might sound like some “New Year Resolution” or that “New Year, New Me” troll now. Well, I had to let some things out of my chest and coincidentally I’m writing this at the beginning of this year.

Rock v/s Metal

Hiee Guys !!

It’s been quite a lot of time since I’ve posted my last Art Blog Post. Well kinda busy in office works, so hardly get any time to post here actively. Hover, I am still trying to balance between my brand new office life and my good ole creative life. The fight is still going on between them for setting priorities and making commitments.

Anyways, I’m back to blogging because I’ve got something to showcase over here. 😉

Well, you all know about my passion and addiction for Rock and Metal Music through my previous posts. I don’t wanna get into the details, just simply and check out my “The Big 4” Artwork. You’ll get plenty of idea and besides, I am kinda busy, you see.  😛

Moving on, I’ve simply sketched an Electric Guitar on the White Board, using Temporary White Board Markers. Making something interesting on this guitar, I’ve included an Angel wing (representing Rock music) and a Devil wing (representing Metal music). Since I like my artwork to look complete on Board with no white spaces left, I’ve written the names of some my favorite Rock bands (in Blue Color) and Metal bands (in Red Color) in the background. Well the Angel Wings and Blue colored Rock Band names defines the softness and serenity of Rock Music, while the Devil Wing and Red colored Metal Band names personifies the hardness and extremity of Metal Music.

With this idea of Rock-Metal Duality in mind, the masterpiece was made. Take a look fellas !!


DAMN !! It took me around almost 2-3 days to complete this artwork during the Lunch or Free time in my Office. Finally, the hard work and patience really paid off. Moreover, some of my colleagues liked it very well.  I’m feeling glad that I could resume my sketching hobby during the hectic office hours also. However, a lot a Board Markers were used to make this thing happen. Hopefully, my Boss won’t be mad. Fingers Crossed. 😛

And by the way, it has been an amazing 3 months experience so far in my office. I’ll tell you the complete story some another day. Besides, There are plenty of artworks made during my college days, which have not been posted here yet. I will post them as soon as possible.

So Fellas !! Stay Connected. Stay Updated.

Hopefully, y’all have like this piece of work and don’t forget to post you reviews.


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches


My Brand New Addiction

It’s been almost a month since I’ve blogged last time about my ending college days and shared my artwork about the life of an engineering guy. Well, College days are gone and its Office days has just started. New Life, New Stories and some kind of New Adventures. Besides, I’ve got a new Addiction apart from my hovering obsessions with Art, Programming, Heavy Metal Music, Action Movies, Computer Games and my other cynosure since childhood.

Well since I’m now a Software Engineer at, there is lot of techie stuffs going through my head like – Learning many scripting and web-designing languages, Designing Algorithms, Getting familiar with new IDEs and most importantly, Understanding the working of an E-Commerce Company.  Being a fresher, there is so much to learn in so lesser time. But still, I am getting with it.

As a matter of fact, I’ve got a stress buster – A Cup of Coffee, which has eventually became my Brand New Addiction these days. I’ve even sketched this little addiction on a tissue paper. First of all, I had to use pencil to test the softness of the tissue. Then, I outlined it with blue ballpoint pen even with more precaution. It seemed like I was involved in some kinda Testing and Debugging thing. 😛

However after few hours of hard work, dedication and a lot of patience, here’s the final look.

New Office Art

New Office Art

So therefore, this is my new life equation

Coding + Coffee + Confusion = My New Corporate Life

Plus, it has been an amazing monthly experience so far in my office. I’ll tell you the complete story some another day. Also, There are plenty of artworks made during my college days, which have not been posted here yet. I will post them as soon as possible. So Fellas !! Stay Connected. Stay Updated.

Hopefully, y’all have like this piece of work and don’t forget to post you reviews.


This Artwork is part of Paint Party Friday and Sunday Sketches
